Sun Sprouts is a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation in California established in 2023. We promote health research, education, and advocacy. This is our first project.
Let's Talk Health!
Look up health topics that you’re passionate about. Whether it's nutrition, mental health, exercise, or any other area of health, the choice is yours!
Use Reputable Sources
We recommend using high quality sources. Websites from the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and educational institutions provide reliable and accurate information.
Create a Social Media Video
Make a video that highlights what you’ve learned. You can make your video funny or serious, but make sure the facts and message are correct.
Present to Those Who Matter
Share your video to family members or friends, or even in a school setting. This starts conversations about health with your community.
Go Social!
For those who want to reach an even broader audience, we invite you to share your videos on social media. Tag us with #letstalkhealth and #sunsprouts to help spread awareness and inspire others in the process!
Earn Volunteer Hours
To earn volunteer hours, add up the hours used to make and edit your video. If you want to keep your video private, we recommend using Youtube and making appropriate privacy settings. Read the terms carefully . Log your hours at the link here